Burq Off!, an autobiographical one-woman show written and performed by Nadia P. Manzoor, is a jaunty tour through madly opposing worlds. The glowing promise of modern London versus the glum realities of a conservative Pakistani Muslim home are punctuated by fierce Bollywood dance moves and at least one blackout drinking incident.
Embodying 21 different characters – a domineering father, soulful mum, saucy English friend and Islamic studies teachers whose interests range from slapping to pornography – Nadia illuminates her conflicted sense of identity while questioning repressive cultural norms. Moving, funny, deeply personal and yet universal, Burq Off! explores what it takes to evolve past the veil.
Upcoming & Past Burq Off! Performances
Join the movement
BURQ OFF! needs you! I need you, and I need your stories.
I’ve been so fortunate to share my story through the platform of Burq Off! and news channels like the BBC, CNN, and the Huffington Post. But it’s the conversations with real people that move me most. My story started like any story. Like everyone’s story. It started with me writing it down and thinking it through and sharing it with others, one conversation at a time. I want to hear your stories, to know what moves you, to listen as well as speak about the truth that lives within each of us.
Share your voice and your story with us here. It will move somebody.